Recovery stories
Bear in mind…
None of these stories should be taken as medical advice. Please, bear in mind what you have already learnt about yourself to this point when reading these stories. Don't lose sight of what you know. These stories are shared in the hope that the reader may find some common ground, something they can relate to and therefore may find potential puzzle pieces of their own illness. Maybe, in this way, we can waste less time, energy and money on recovery solutions that won't work for us. No recovery is ever the same.
Jackie Baxter’s Story
After leading a busy, stress-filled life, she battled long COVID for years, experiencing debilitating fatigue, breathing difficulties, and a rollercoaster of symptoms. Through patience and persistence, she eventually began to heal.
Rachel Whitfield’s Story
After struggling with long Covid and severe fatigue, this person's journey to recovery involved recognizing the mind-body connection, overcoming anxiety, and gradually reintroducing physical activity, leading her to run the London marathon